Eclectic Kate; The Connection Katalyst
I was reminded how important it is to believe in myself. It is really important that I trust in my abilities to learn, grow, and evolve. I also learned that it is equally important to have the appropriate structures, procedures, and professional support in place to help guide my business toward greater and greater success.
I learned that I cannot be afraid of the areas that I am not proficient in. I must cultivate the courage to find help, ask for it, and take the necessary action no matter how uncomfortable it is. I learned where to turn for this type of help.
No matter how uncomfortable it is to be a beginner, or step into uncharted territory, or learn new information; it is more uncomfortable and detrimental to take no action, stay the same, and never experience the expansiveness of completing a challenge regardless of the outcome. I found great value overall in being a participant in BASE Camp.
Interestingly enough since completing the class the undulation between blazing confidence that the above paragraphs convey and complete defeat has seemed to get more intense and frequent. I don’t know what to do with all of it.
So today, I will introduce you to the refined and fortified Eclectic Kate LLC, and muse on the direction of the rest of this year.
It’s in the Air; Spring, Transformation, Reflection, & Dreams
As we celebrate Spring Equinox, the new Astrological new year, and retrograge/eclipse season, with a full moon coming in hot; I’m feeling the uptick in energy and vibrancy the return of the sun brings. Catching up, dusting off, and sharing a glimpse into the last year of my personal life as I approach my 39th birthday. Healing, grieving, growing, and accepting. How was your 2023?
What’s In A Name?
What the hell does the name of this blog even mean?
How my love for words and names unfolds in life.
Poetry, tattoos, and sexy sentences.
Eclectic Emergent Energy: Allow Me To Re-Introduce Myself…
Towards the end of October I was slowly surrendering all that I had created within the Eclectic Kate sphere to make room for whatever is coming. I’m still not sure what that is, but today felt right to return to this particular space. Not necessarily picking up where I left off, but emerging from my winter’s restoration with a different set of lenses from which I can see more clearly.
This space that I am claiming as a writer, as a human who wants to share my experience and my pure passion for the crafting of words into unforgettable cadences of wisdom, joy, experience, memory, and pain.
New Moon Prayer
A special treat with no tricks!
Just a sweet little prayer I wrote to share love for the moon and inspiration take pause in honoring of yourself.
Kate in Luteal & Kate in Follicular: We are not the same people.
I received a positive diagnosis of endometriosis, and left the hospital without my left ovary and fallopian tube.
I was completely unprepared for the energetic shift that happens when a physical organ is removed or altered.
I finally had the felt experience of KNOWING that everything is energy, and all the layers of our being are interconnected and affected by the other…….
I am so passionate about shining a light for others to find their way back to the treasure trove of divine gifts that come with the bestowment of the ability to create life.
It is a gift to be a source of creation. We ALL are a vessel through which creation and life force energy flows.
We do not honor it as it should be honored, because it is powerful beyond comprehension………..
Shifts, Retrograde, and Pleasing Others- PLUS Meet Mindful Blooming
There’s a message coming thorough this week as I listen to the undercurrent of similar transmissions from different channels.
What does this mean?
I’ve been noticing a theme in this week’s energy as I connect and interact with people: the good ol Achilles heel of people pleasing.
You know, sacrificing your own wants, desires, needs, and aspiration to make someone else happy or comfortable.
To blame yourself to avoid conflict.
Agreeing to things you don’t really want to do out of obligation to perceived responsibility for someone else’s feelings.
Setting Fire to Facebook….Why I Deactivated My Account
I don’t desire to be tethered to that world, to upkeep the replies, and “keep up” with groups. I don’t want to feel obligated to share and support my friends’ business in that way and I waste hours scheduling posts for my own business about upcoming events only to have it be seen by less that 100 people.
I loathe the divisiveness that unfurls in comment sections and infiltrates the feeds.
It’s not all bad right? I have initially connected with some amazing people through these platforms, however most of the rest of the connection was built elsewhere.
I have learned some stuff and was connected to events or things that maybe I wouldn’t have seen otherwise. Who knows though?
I believe if it is truly meant for me, it will find it’s way to me. Be it a new client, a new opportunity, or a new friend.