Step into the center of your personal universe.
Experience this transformational practice with Certified Instructor Kate Frautschy
HoopYogini(TM) was created by the vibrant Jocelyn Gordon as a holistic fitness program that combies familiar Hatha Yoga poses, the hula hoop, and mindfulness into a nourishing full body movement practice that creates the space, confidence, and fitness necessary to thrive through all of life’s challenges and triumphs!
All of you is welcome inside the hoop.
This practice that can help develop present moment awareness and release physical and mental tension. Everyone is welcome and no hoop or yoga experience is necessary to use the hoop as a functional fitness tool to strengthen and stretch the body!
The Spinal Awakening Series of the HoopYogini(TM) practice is a standing posture flow that tones the core, moves the spine to it’s full range of motion, and is doctor approved to alleviate back pain and improve posture. There are boundless other benefits of the HoopYogini practice. I invite you into the hoop to discover them for yourself. Check out a recent demo I did live on my business page Eclectic Kate LLC on FB.
Stronger, Smarter. Smarter….. Sexier!
The From the Core portion of the HoopYogini(TM) practice is an on body waist hooping vinyasa designed to develop the fitness level required to thrive at opti'mom' performance level.
This full body practice builds detoxifying heat, provides space for massage, fitness, and meditation, AND can burn 400-600 calories and hour. This practice can also strengthen communication in the brain, and build confidence and stamina.
The practice then flows into completion with the Integrative Cool Down which is designed to release any residual tension from the body, remove any tension from the challenges within the practice just experienced, and even remove tension from your life beyond the hoop.
With the methods I am certified to teach, I am confident that even if you THINK you can’t hula hoop….I can guide to into a KNOWING of just how capable you are to not only move through this highly accessible practice of effort and ease, but also how to EXPERIENCE how your practice extends beyond the hoop and into your life.
“May your practice bring you peace, and may you share this peace with the world!”
Namaste (HoopYogini (TM) closing declaration)

“I love the freedom of expression I find. I love that I have a “dance partner”. I love the layer of playfulness and support the hoop adds to my fitness practices. I love the flow that arises from truly letting go and being in the moment. Hooping has meant shedding skins, empowering myself, dedication, passion…..I’m madly in love with hooping and I remember often that new mom who sat there and thought….. “I HAVE to learn how to do that”. Acknowledging that sometimes the longer, slower journeys can be the sweetest.
7 years later... I feel like my journey is really just starting to get fired up!

What do I love about HoopYogini(TM)?
It is extremely difficult to answer this question with anything but an “EVERYTHING!” The community, the support, the layout of the course work for training, the transformational opportunities for healing and expansion of self within the hoop. I love the combination of the hoop into the practice of Hatha Yoga and mindfulness/meditation. I personally have experienced incredible growth mentally and spiritually. I see and feel the difference in my body as I deepen into my HoopYogini (TM) practice. I have witnessed the benefits that ONE class can have for practitioners. I’m so grateful to have found this practice. It was exactly what I needed, and what I was calling in.