What am I doing here?
I am on a mission to address the growing issue of disconnection and lack of personal growth in individuals. I believe that everyone deserves the opportunity to reconnect with themselves, their communities, and the Earth. Through the wide range of transformative experiences, including classes, workshops, and events, I aim to promote self-discovery, community building, and environmental stewardship.
My business was built on values that are deeply rooted in the commitment to facilitating and experiencing personal growth and connection. Eclectic Kate LLC embraces the values of Germinate, Integrate, Regenerate, and Celebrate. These values guide me in creating an authentic and inclusive space for individuals on their journey towards self-discovery.
At Eclectic Kate LLC, I am dedicated to empowering individuals on their journey towards self-discovery while fostering a deeper connection with themselves and the world around them.
My company values of Germinate, Integrate, Regenerate, and Celebrate guide me in creating an authentic space for personal growth and connection with community and the Earth.
Germinate represents my belief in nurturing personal growth from within. I provide holistic practices, personal support modalities, and educational resources that empower individuals to embark on a journey of self-discovery.
Integrate signifies the commitment to fostering connections within communities. Through partnerships with local wellness centers and organizations, I create opportunities for individuals to nourish themselves through community connection.
Regenerate reflects the dedication to environmental stewardship. I offer specialized workshops on sustainable living practices and promote the sale of homegrown handcrafted self-care items and authored texts.
Celebrate embodies the necessity of celebrating milestones along the journey of personal growth. I host community events, craft customized celebratory ceremonies and rituals, and offer free community classes as well as consultations as a way to celebrate individual progress and foster a deeper connection with oneself and the world around them.
(adj.) an individual who embraces their “flaws” and knows they’re awesome regardless
I haven’t always been this way……
Light, free, joyful, grateful, vibrant, healthy, quiet, loud, sovereign and strong, standing in my integrity the best way I know how, and deepening into my authenticity a little bit more everyday.
I haven’t always been so comfortable with pushing the edges out and burning boxes built around me. I used to recoil at the thought of sitting with myself and feeling my feelings. I haven’t always known how to hold space for myself and others.
I’ve gone through a comfortable life, as a privileged, midwestern small town girl with HUGE dreams and desires. As many of us experience in life, I eventually widdled those dreams and desires down to fit the small round peg holes of the grind. Just wanting to be seen, accepted, adored, and nourished. Accepting that maybe I wasn’t meant to be what I dreamt of embodying as a child. Accepting the stories and the “this is the way things are” constraints of the material world in which I operate as human.
I spent a lot of time as a kid in my imagination. Reels of poems and songs and images poured through my head and onto paper or into play. Singing and dancing and dreaming of being on stage, in the spot light, adored, appreciated for the gifts that I had as opposed to the grades I got and the practical matters of “what do you want to be when you grow up” “where are you going to college” type of life matters that in the end don’t really fucking matter. I wanted to break all the rules laid out in front of me, but my fear and anxiety kicked in early to keep me safe, compliant, and accepted.
Through my teens however it was all about doing everything I wasn’t supposed to be doing and getting away with it. The chapters between ages 13-26 were long, traumatic, addiction ridden, self sacrificing, self deprecating, full of incredible lessons and incredible people who loved me when I was hard to love, hurt me when I opened the door for them, and others who simply were meant to be there for some reason or the other….I don’t have to know. I just have to be grateful for it ALL!
I became a mother at just freshly 19 years old, and finished bearing children with my 3rd at age 27. None of that was easy, and I missed the opportunity for the joy of early parenting because I was still learning how to parent myself. I am grateful for the support I did have, and I have nothing but appreciation for the gifts of creating human life. It flavored this human experience with plenty of adventure and self discovery!
I met the truth of myself with radical acceptance after an incident where I had been somewhere I was supposed to ask permission to access. I was drunk. I brought my friend, my kids, my dog as well. Yes I drove. The next day I received a phone call that was the catalyst for change. I had stepped so far out of my integrity that I had betrayed the trust of a father figure. I felt like the biggest pile of shit. Sub Human. A pile of rubble. The fire had demolished it all. It was time to move on, and heal.
My spiritual journey back to myself and into alignment with the divine plan for my time here on Earth started that day. And hasn’t stopped since. Shortly after I decided to embark on my sober journey I experienced an emergency oophorectomy and my left ovary and fallopian tube were removed along with a 6 cm cyst that was causing me some very major problems. I was officially diagnosed with endometriosis. I was so detached from my body. I was just starting to regain connection with my soul. My mind was still a whirlwind of chaos, judgement, and pain. This surgery left an energetic hole inside of me, but instead of filling it (with drinking for example) I was forced to heal it. This really catapulted me into radical acceptance and expansion.
In the short years following, I have gone on to publish a book and journal companion to help others connect with their womb space. I have obtain certifications as a 200 HR Registered Yoga Teacher, HoopYogini™ Instructor & Mentor, and Kundalini as well as Usui Reiki Master Level Practitioner. I hold space for people to germinate. To find those long forgotten seeds of soul desires waiting to be nourished. I help others find those sprouts of health and wellness and learn how to nurture them into strong, fortified trees. I create safe non-judgmental space for exploration through private sessions, moon circles, group classes, and special events. I create tools that you can use to connect with your source energy and higher self. I want to help weave a web of wellness in the collective through mindful movement, energy healing, facilitating circles of growth and exploration, and creating community that is welcoming, inclusive, and diverse.
I haven’t always been this way. I finally got sick enough of my own shit, and made the choice that I deserved better. Not my kids, not my husband, not my family or my friends. Me. I had to choose me. And do it for me. And actually do the work.
Surrendering with love into love, over and over and over again and trust falling into the initiation and the embodiment of the imperfectly kickass rockstar goddess I am today.
The journey is never finished. There is no finish line. There is however a million experiences and a million miracles and a million fragments of magic that we are meant to experience here in human form….. don’t take yourself too spiritually and miss out on that part either.
Forget the box, embrace the flow. Germinate beautiful experiences mind, body, and soul.
Purples, Flowers, Hoops…..
A few of my favorite things!
I care for 3 kids, 3 dogs, 1 husband, and feed 1 endless thirst for all the things that light up my soul! I enjoy a deep connection with nature through gardening and hiking, just to name a few.
I am often intentionally creating tools for mystics and muggles, repurposing thrift store treasures, as well as growing/propagating/sharing houseplants and herbs. I loves to be in the kitchen and am passionate about using food to heal and support the body (and still have it be delicious and easy!)
I honor the healing and connective power of music. Music in many forms has always been a top non-negotiable for me.

I am continually absorbing knowledge as a teacher and a student in order to effectively offer support and guidance to help you heal yourself from within. Empowering an individual to create a connection with their spirit, their wise inner guide, and allowing the excellent experience of existence unfold.
My presence is required. My passion makes it perfect. This is the essence of ‘me living my best life’.
I also enjoy traveling, vintage pin-up, hula-hooping, and being barefoot. Most of the pictures featured on this site were taken by me on my many treks through the wilderness!