Eclectic Emergent Energy: Allow Me To Re-Introduce Myself…
October 23, 2022… that was the last time I made a blog entry. So many times I have had the inspiration to sit down and let the keys click.
Time after time my ego beat me back into submission and into the comfort zone.
But then again, there was still work to be done and I needed my full attention.
Towards the end of October I was slowly surrendering all that I had created within the Eclectic Kate sphere to make room for whatever is coming. I’m still not sure what that is, but today felt right to return to this particular space. Not necessarily picking up where I left off, but emerging from my winter’s restoration with a different set of lenses from which I can see more clearly.
This space that I am claiming as a writer, as a human who wants to share my experience and my pure passion for the crafting of words into unforgettable cadences of wisdom, joy, experience, memory, and pain.
I started this blog as a way to continue to share, off Facebook. I still have not re-activated that account. I probably never will. I am free, and after experiencing the release of that illusory burden, I feel so empowered. I often consider giving up social media all together, and maybe someday I will. For now I am content with about 7 hours of social media screen time a week and have found a peace I fear many will never experience because of our conditioned and heavy dependence, even addiction, to the world wide web.
A web that has woven a completely alternate illusion where most primarily reside their awareness in everyday.
Enough about that though. Take this as an invitation to re-root yourself into what is natural and real, beyond the black mirror. Deeper spiritual clairity and connection are availble to those who pause and surrender to Presence. That will never happen if life is lived within a fabricated reality heavily filtered by algorithms and powers that be.
Check out this link for more statistic on social media use from Smart Insights Website
59% of the world's population uses social media. The average daily usage is 2 hours and 31 minutes (January 2023).
Time is the most valuable thing we have…..
What’s funny, is that THIS paragraph is picking up where I left off above, when I first sat down to re-dedicate to this craft of writing and expressing. We put ourselves on such strict timelines and apply ridiculous expectations. No wonder I ran and busied myself with other things.
I am here now. Writing. That’s what matters.
I wasn’t ready yet, when I started this entry a month or two ago. I still had a few things to work out, and I did. Thanks to The Artist’s Way, and my own dedication to my Unconditional Presence.
I just completed The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron. It is a 12 week journey to discover and create connection with my inner artist. To say it was difficult to stay committed is an understatement.
Devotion, dedication, and commitment are muscles that grow stronger as we use them. Practice makes progress. This book is also so beautifully put together that it almost anticipates your challenges before you can retreat at the realization that uncomfortable shit is coming up. It is an excellent resource for EVERYONE, not just blocked artists.
So, for today’s entry I will be sharing some things that have come through on that journey.
Some random writings, maybe a poem, a really beautiful piece I wrote for a recent gathering…..
what did you expect…this IS eclectic. There are no boxes to fit into here!
“All I have is time, it is the most valuable commodity.”
My word this year is UNCONDITIONAL. I had originally thought at the beginning of the year that my word was to be DIY. Do it yourself. But that left little room for creative source energy to have a hand in the creating of my experience of life.
Unconditional felt so much more aligned. Through my morning pages (3 pages of handwritten stream of consciousness writing every single damn morning) it became clear to me that unconditional was the alignment I was seeking.
“Unconditional in my devotion to self actualization. Unconditional attendance to every day. Unconditional love for myself. Unconditional love for my creative inner child. Unconditional devotion to the maintenence and care of my whole being. Unconditional feelings, conatined and digested for integration. Unconditional acceptance of my experiences. Unconditional presence of my intention and soul’s will. Unconditional: my morning routines and evening rituals. Yes, unconditional is the word for the year.”
I also found that writing as a participatory act of co-creating with spirit, and writing for fame, are two very different things.
From The Artist’s Way:
“Fame is not the same as success. Fame is a spiritual drug. Fame interferes with the perception that the point of the work IS the work. Focusing on fame creates a continual feeling of lack; there is never enough of the fame drug. Fame is a short-cut for self-approval. The cure for the fame drug is creative endeavor".
“The foot race mentality is always ego’s demand that our work be not just good but also first AND best. It is the ego’s demand that our work be totally original. It’s the accurate mapping out of our own creative interests that invites the term original. We are the origin of our art. It’s homeland. Viewed this way, originality is the process of remaining true to ourselves.”
That clarity smacked me right in the face. Clarity creates change.
In previous weeks of the journey, I was coming close to this clarity through a free writing poem that flowed.
The idea was emerging that fame is a drug and writing for fame was an ego trick attempting to fast track to deep self-approval…….
“ I don’t want to be done writing,
there is solace in the page
the way the pen glides
and out the words slide
It’s so easy to just write
whatever is on my mind
but when weaving words
with the intention to be great
I can hardly make a rhyme.
I take care of the quantity
Source flows through with quality.
This concept and deep surrender
are so uncomfortably new to me.
I agreed somewhere that to write
meant to perform to perfection
In that misaligned energy,
I search listlessly for direction.
When I just give it up;
the show and the vamping,
I’m finally flowing until my hand is cramping.
I just have to do it
and do it for me.
As I surrender control
the pen flies so freely.”
As I even share and type this, I am authentically proud of my writing. That is new, and weird, but I surrender to that sense of self-acceptance that come authentically from within me! Hell yes!!!!
So this eclectic emergent energy….I’m exploring it. I’m surrendering to it. I’m embracing it.
And I’m starting to be ready to emerge from my hibernation fully to shine it outwards.
I would like to end this entry with a piece that I wrote to share with a group of individuals who gathered during the birthing energy of Ostara (spring equinox) and the New Moon in Aries (what a fucking dooozeeyyy) to inspire and collaborate with each other around living LocWhole.
What is that?
-LocWhole is any product, service, tool, or experience within a sixty mile radius, that supports a holistically nourished existence body, mind, and spirit. For example nourishment, meditation, recovery, and movement are all examples of holistic lifestyle practices. Some words to deepen the awareness and understanding of “Livin’ LocWhole” would be whole, wholesome, local, real, nature, natural, organic, primal, holistic, authentic, regenerative, resilient, sustainable, seasons, cycles, community, collaborative, and healthy. Totally aligned with my values and visions, I was so excited to gather. It was a great circle of people and and excellent opportunity to revisit my “why’s”. If you are intersted in being a part of the Livin LocWhole community please reach out!
I am Kate Frautschy. I am a mother, a wife, a sister, a friend, as well as a guardian and steward of the Earth. I dance with the plants. I germinate beautiful experiences for an excellent existence.
I believe that we can heal our natural collective connection to our Earth by removing humans from the top of the illusory hierarchy and learning how to re-weave ourselves back into the beautiful web of life.
I also believe that healing this collective connection comes through first healing our own personal internal landscape; Regenerating our internal soils so that as we plant seeds, they germinate and yield the bounty and abundance of a joyful experience in this life.
I serve as a bridge for people to connect with their true nature and utilize the boundless wisdom of nature to uncover germination within.
My independent business, Eclectic Kate LLC, is in her third year of service-based business.
I mostly focus on getting into the body, out of the mind, and aligning with the breath to tune into the frequencies of the cosmic vibration of creation. I utilize many different energetic and physical practices crafted into movement education classes, breath work & meditation guidance, sound/tonal medicine, as well as Earth based spiritual practices, ceremonies, classes, and workshops.
Utilizing the elements, our connection to the Earth, and our natural cycles, my services are crafted to connect the practitioner to their natural states of being.
All offerings are created within my 'foundations of excellent existence';
"creativity", "spirituality", "sensuality", "authenticity"
I utilize my PIMP guidelines to ensure that accessibility and inclusion are intentional values woven into all I do:
Practical, Intentional, Magical, Presence
This past year, it has become incredibly urgent to me and my soul’s nourishing to engage in conservation practices, soil restoration; essentially the preservation and restoration of the elements that support our life here on Earth.
I live in Lena, in town, on a good chunk of land that is transforming year by year into a plot of sustainability, pouring with abundance of all kinds. I have a medicinal herb garden, vegetables, edible landscaping, with very ambitious goals of expansion for the next 3 years.
I do what I do, because I practice surrender. I practice allowing my deep love for the Earth to guide me into purposeful service, meaningful work, and joyful ecstatic play. I do what I do because I have learned that faith and perspective shape my experience and I want to end my time on Earth KNOWING I was true to my calling, and that I have left a legacy that will long outlast my Earthly vessel.
As I continue to follow the, sometimes logically overwhelming, passions of my deepest desires, I continue to uncover what I could name my own personal LocWhole integrity. I continue to look for invitations and opportunities to connect, communicate, learn from, and support the wealth of local nourishment available for the mind, body, and soul.
I also absolutely love to support an encourage people like Ashley, who, despite reservations, fears, and challenges, send out a “bat signal” for like minds to gather, connect, and create.
My hope and vision is to see a beautiful connectivity of communities in our corner of the Midwest that not only sees wealth abundance, but health abundance.
I vision an inclusivity and equanimity of all peoples as we give and receive through our unique channels.
I vision a local economy that is sustainable, thriving, and regenerative.
I see ALL people participating, supporting, and taking part in a variety of exchanges and collectives that weave beautifully together to create a network of LocWhole wealth; body mind and soul.
I thought it might be fun to take all the LocWhole words Ash sent in the most recent invitation for today and craft them into a prayerful intention for us to share.
Let’s experience that beautiful energy of breath and intention united as I share this prayer: 3 united breaths
As we form this collaborative visioning for healthy holistic community, we recognize the induvial responsibilities to nourish, move, recover, and meditate to nourish our own soils. As nature’s organic cycles of seasons flow and offer to guide us into alignment, may we embody real, lasting lifestyles that honor our primal need for authentic belonging and support within wholesome, real community. May we experience the nourishment of resilient relationships, may we receive whole and wholesome nurturing of the self, and may the alchemy of both send ripple effects of awareness into the world, creating sustainable change that echoes for generations to come.
Well there’s your healthy dose of Eclectic Kate musings.
I am not committing to a schedule, I am not going to create constraints where there is none needed.
I am committing to writing this blog as a way to share my experiences and learned wisdom. I am going to create as feels aligned for me, and trust that who needs to receive it will.
So if your are reading this last line, thank you for taking some time with me today.
For you to spend your most valuable commodity to receive this transmission….. that is truly a dually reciprocal gift of love. Thankyou.
Blessed Be. Love, Kate.