What’s In A Name?

“What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell just as sweet.” -William Shakespeare

This blog’s theme I suppose will be “names”

I’d like to share a few bits of poetry I have written recently.

But before we dive in, let’s talk about the name of this blog:

Ambedo, Sonder, & Anemioa

I love words. I love how they sound, I love the texture and tone, I love writing words, I love beautiful words, I love gritty words, I love swear words….

I love discovering new words. With beautiful meanings. My original blog name was going to be something to the effects of Betties Boudiour or something of the sorts…

After I attempted to write (and then proceeded to delete) several ego fueled blog posts, I gave up.

After I left Facebook, I knew I wanted a place where my work could live more permanently.

So I revisited the creating of a blog, overwhelmed myself, but went ahead anyways.

But I needed a name. I could have easily named it “Sunshine and Snapdragons” which is a common signature I leave as a farewell wish. That seemed to campy and restrictive for the depths that I am willing to explore here.

So I started searching for beautiful words and I came up with Ambedo,Sonder,&Anemioa:

Ambedo- A kind of melancholic trance in which a person becomes completely absorbed in vivid sensory details

UUffdaahh. I know that. Watching snowflakes or rain fall. Watching water flow in a riverway. The trance that leads to a dawning awareness of the haunting fragility of life.

Sonder- The realization that each random passerby is living a life as vivid and complex as your own.

I often ponder in that sonder. I’m naturally a people observer. Humans are fascinating. It’s fun to play detective and see what kind of clues I can gather about a stranger’s complex and vivid life.

Anemioa- Nostalgia for a time or a place one has never known.

Uhm…yes. Just yes. I feel this one. Probably more so that I feel actual nostalgia for times and places I have known.

So there it is.

That’s what is behind the title of this blog. Each time I read or see those words, romance washes over me and I am intoxicated with the beauty of words. Words that I can feel.

New Ink!

In honor of Rockford Crunchy Ladies Founder Marlana McFarland who sacrificed her life while saving others from a house fire.

In honor of the fortitude of the dandelion.

In honor of all those who grow where they are planted and share their love generously.

What’s in a name?

Flower or Weed?

Dandelions are all about how you perceive!

Abundant medicine from root to tips,

food for the bees as they make their spring trips!

It matters not whether perceived as beautiful flower or dandelion weed

Root down deep where planted and reach for the sky

Wait for the breeze and someday you’ll fly.

BEE like Marley by: Kate Frautschy

The next piece I would like to share is one that came from a place of WTF!?

The world as we know it is slowly dying and making way for a rebirth of something unknown.

The process of death/rebirth is not pretty. It is fucking scary.

I sometimes feel powerless and completely hopeless.

I use the written word to name these fears and understand them better.

Vision: Eye of the Beholder

(c)2023 Katherine Frautschy

The weight of the world is heavy of late

I still try to numb it with the drugs that I take.

In visions I see a world full of peace and magic

When I crack my front door, the scene is so tragic.

Humans hating humans, follow money’s behest

Placing red A’s on each other’s chests.

Greed, money, and fame the objective

The current nightmare of ego infected collective.

We can still dream potent powerful things

As I speak I create- it doesn’t quite ring

Like Abracadabra- but that’s what it means: May we weave love and unity

Not disintegrate magic with logical scrutiny.

Can we dare to collaborate on the collective dream?

We complicate everything- it’s easier than it seems.

Breathe the silence- cosmic infill- hear the ancient anthem trickle

It’s melody is simple, swing the door wide, fill your temple.

The harmony is intricate

the dance between duality

will render you courageously delicate

We all want solutions- how do we ‘get it’ to reality

Can we patiently dream and alchemize shift?

Can we accept our own mortality?

Peel your armor, re-root your soul

In order to bloom, reach those roots down below.

We heal our soils, we heal ourselves.

It starts with the self and that’s where it ends.

Stepping into the new world we are dreaming and creating

Each of us has divine purpose under the surface gestating.

Will you open the door and out stretch our hands?

Let’s bravely discover- together- the vision of cosmic plans.

The last piece I want to share is one that I wrote a few years ago, and I found it while digging for something else.

As I re-read it, I was enamored by my own words.

I am purple and I dance with the plants.

Purple by: Katherine Frautschy

I am Purple.

Royal, regal, mysterious and bright.

I am beautiful in every shade and compliment many others in surprising ways.

I am the vibrant and sensuous feeling of comfort, pleasure, and wyrd.

I am Purple, the delicacy of iris petals and the chaos of angry skies.

I am the color of heart melt at sunset palates that kiss the sky goodnight.

I am the color Purple.

Playful passion masquerading coyly the depths of ocean valley emotions.

I am Purple.

As I end this blog I am dreaming of sun laden days that warm the Earth and coax new life forward.

Spring is always so exciting, until it is here and we have to slop through the first half waiting for the colors of life to start emerging.

Each pop of Pantone brings us organic joy; each new color palate that alchemizes amongst the landscapes restores our faith in the process of change and transformation.

Blessed Be.


It’s in the Air; Spring, Transformation, Reflection, & Dreams


Eclectic Emergent Energy: Allow Me To Re-Introduce Myself…